October 09, 2006

see what i wrote mendez and what he wrote me :)

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Ro
Date: Oct 2, 2006 2:45 PM

Hey Ryan,

So I was a little upset that you guys announced that you'd be in Salt Lake headling the X96 Big Ass Show on 09/25 AFTER I had already made plans to be in New York that weekend.

I literally cried.

So I decided while in New York, I would rent a car and come see you guys at Croc Rock in Allentown last week Monday. GREAT SHOW!!!! Made navigating the mean streets of Manhattan and driving over worth it :)

Anyway, just wanted to say thanks for a great show.

It was wierd. You looked at me and kinda recognized my from all the Salt Lake shows I've been to, but it was like you weren't sure. I wanted to come by the tour bus after and ask you how the Big Ass Show went, but my friend got really sick (too much drinking) and I had to take care of him.

Well, can't wait until the new album is out and hopefully you won't be playing in Salt Lake again without me there :P

Take Care,

Ro :)

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Ryan
Date: Oct 7, 2006 6:39 PM

haha thats funny because i totally did look at you, notice you, and thought it was you but then i just figured it was someone else that looked like you cause why the heck would you be there?? well sorry about salt lake but thats rad you were able to come to that show, and thanks for coming down!!

sorry if youve gotten this a few times...some stupid error keeps happening so i dunno if it keeps sending it.

what signs of affection show he?.....*sigh*

so sue me.....i've become a myspace stalker.....but it isn't what you think.....i wasn't looking for this.....it just came to be.....

so you remember my previous post????.....about a certain someone not leaving me messages or comments.....and how he has ALLL the time in the world for everyone else but me????.....

well here's proof.....he wrote this comment on someone's profile.....

9/28/2006 11:13 AM

What up girl? hows it going?? got a new ride? word thats hot...everyone is cool at the store...just wanted to show some love

and look at the date.....a DAY after i visited him......

now don't get me wrong.....it's not who he wrote the comment for or whatever.....i don't care about that.....(that's why i did not provide this person's link for anonymity purposes, i don’t care about her)......it’s the FACT that he doesn’t care about how *I* feel about comments.....

he doesn’t care that this kinda stuff is important to ME.....he doesn’t care that i’ve been asking for THIS TYPE OF ATTENTION for months......and the FACT that he would just flat out lie to me about not being the type of person who didn’t write comments to people, when in fact i just found one.....

WHY won't he write me????......just a little something.......anything......it would make me so happy......doesn't he want me to be happy????.......

WHY am i not important enough to warrent this type of time and attention???......

what bothers me the most about this......is that i told him i would drop it......but i can't......now that i know for a FACT that he writes people comments......WHY are they more important than me????......

now again.....i’m NOT LOOKING for these comments......i just happen to be reading what people wrote about him......and i would get curious about them and check out their profile......and this is what i found.......

i don’t know what to do......

P.S. i still have to blog
about the New York trip.....
soon to follow.....