November 19, 2013


1 - I love Korean dramas and watched them so much I could almost speak Korean...I even watched a Korean drama that had a bit of sign language in it so I could also sign in Korean...I showed people at work and they made fun of me so I stopped mentioning

2 - I learned how to knit off of Youtube and now I'm obsessed with yarn and knitting beanies and scarves...It's even come down to me seeing someone wearing a scarf and me saying "hmm, I'm going to go home and make that!"...

3 - My favorite Doctor Who is 10 - David Tennant

4 - My favorite Doctor Companion is Donna

5 - I didn't move out of my parents house until I was 27 because I didn't want to leave...

6 - I used to be a good camper...i've camped in the mountains, the desert, the snow...and now i only camp on time ever was camping up in the mountains, under the stars with no tent - the sky was full of stars and I was able to watch the band of the Milky Way cross the night was awesome!

7 - I love love love being an auntie to my nieces and nephews

8 - I buy most of my clothes on-line

9 - I didn't have a t.v for the first 6 years on my own in Arizona cos I just watched anything I wanted on-line using my desktop

10 - I name EVERYTHING - My desktop is named Illidan, my laptop is named Tohru, my car is name Ruby, my t.v is named George...I had a cellphone named Rob...(J names all his stuff too)

11 - I've been bitching in this blog since October 2004...