March 02, 2007

buh-bye stud

after almost 8 years together.....

it's time to say good-bye....

we've had our good times.....

and our bad times.....

you were there with me through the worst parts in my life.....
and the very best so far.....

mom wasn't too happy when she found out about you.....

and every one else in the family was like "why?"......

and i managed to keep you a secret from my dad.....
(i can't believe he never found out about you.....)

there were people who didn't even know about you.....and were shocked to find out.....

some even asked years later if you were still around....

you lifted me up where i belonged.....

you were the wind beneath my wings.....

and my first, my last, my everything......

but it's come to that time in my life to say good-bye....

i wish i didn't have too.....

but you knew this was coming......

i'll never forget you.....

buh-bye stud.....

*sigh* no more piercing :(

c' you know any OTHER stud in my life????