May 09, 2005

Favorite Movie Quotes Part Two

-From Robin Hood Men in Tights:

"Hey, Blinkin!"
"Did you say 'Abe Lincoln'?"

(Blinkin, the blind man, is up in a perch looking out for strangers)
"Blinkin! What are you doing?"
"Guessing. I *guess* no one's coming."

"Because, unlike some other Robin Hoods, I can speak with an English accent."

"This is Ahchoo."
"A Jew? Here?"
"No no, not a Jew. Ahchoo"

"Blinkin! Fix your boobs; you look like a bleedin' Picasso!"

"I was angry at you before Locksley, but now I'm really pissed off!"
"Pissed off? If I was that close to a horse's wiener I'd be worrying about being pissed on!"

c'mon!!!! in tights is just a funny movie all around.....i love this movie

-From Pirates of the Caribbean, Curse of the Black Pearl:

“Where’s Elizabeth?”
"She's safe, just like I promised. She's all set to marry Norrington, just like she promised. And you get to die for her, just like you promised. So we're all men of our word really... except for Elizabeth, who is in fact, a woman."


"We're going to steal a ship? That ship?"
"Commandeer. We're going to commandeer that ship. Nautical term."

"Stop blowing holes in my ship!!!"

"No. Not good. Stop. Not good. What are you doing? You've burned all the food, the shade, the RUM."
"Yes, the rum is gone."
"Why is the rum gone?"
"One, because it is a vile drink that turns even the most respectable men into complete scoundrels. Two, that signal is over a thousand feet high. The entire royal navy is out looking for me; do you really think that there is EVEN the slightest chance that they won't see it?
"But WHY is the rum GONE?!?!?!"

"Bring me that horizon."

-From The Breakfast Club:

"Dear Mr. Vernon: We accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it is we did wrong, but we think you're crazy for making us write an essay telling you who we think we are. You see us as you want to see us: in the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. But what we found out is that each one of us is a brain, and an athlete, and a basket case, a princess, and a criminal. Does that answer your question? Sincerely yours, The Breakfast Club. "

"You see us as you want to see us".....makes you realize how true this can people view the world and the people in our perceptions in life towards each other are sometimes driven by what *we want to see* vs. *what is really there*......the fine line between a lover and an abuser to heroes and is said that history is written by the victorious......and most of life's little perceptions are that of a larger picture.....

-From King Arthur:

"Oh, merciful God, I have such need of Your mercy now. Not for myself, but for my knights, for this is truly their hour of need. Deliver them from their trials ahead and I will pay You a thousandfold with any sacrifice You ask of me. And if in Your wisdom, You should determine that sacrifice must be my life for theirs, so that they can once again taste the freedom that has so long been denied to them, I will gladly make that covenant. My death will have a purpose. I ask no more than that."

"Well, if this woman of Gawain's is as beautiful as he claims, I expect to be spending a lot of time at Gawain's house. His wife will welcome the company"
"I see. And what will I be doing?"
"Wondering at your good fortune that all your children look like me. "
"Is that before or after I hit you with my axe?"

-From The Princess Bride:


"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die. "

"As you wish."

“First things first, to the death"
"No. To the pain"
"I don't think I'm quite familiar with that phrase.”
"I'll explain and I'll use small words so that you'll be sure to understand, you warthog faced buffoon.”
"That may be the first time in my life a man has dared insult me.”
"It won't be the last. To the pain means the first thing you will lose will be your feet below the ankles. Then your hands at the wrists. Next your nose.”
"And then my tongue I suppose, I killed you too quickly the last time. A mistake I don't mean to duplicate tonight.”
"I wasn't finished. The next thing you will lose will be your left eye followed by your right.”
"And then my ears, I understand let's get on with it.”
"WRONG. Your ears you keep and I'll tell you why. So that every shriek of every child at seeing your hideousness will be yours to cherish. Every babe that weeps at your approach, every woman who cries out, "Dear God! What is that thing," will echo in your perfect ears. That is what to the pain means. It means I leave you in anguish, wallowing in freakish misery forever.”
"I think your bluffing.”
"It's possible, Pig, I might be bluffing. It's conceivable, you miserable, vomitous mass, that I'm only lying here because I lack the strength to stand. But, then again... perhaps I have the strength after all.”
(slowly rises and points sword directly at the prince)
(mouth hanging open, drops sword to floor)

“Mawage. Mawage is wot bwings us togeder tooday. Mawage, that bwessed awangment, that dweam wifin a dweam...And wuv, tru wuv, will fowow you foweva...So tweasure your wuv.”
“Skip to the end.”
“Have you the wing?”

-From Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back:

“Yo lunchbox, hurry it up.”

“Oh, Hi, I'm Jay and this is my hetero-life-mate, Silent Bob.”

-From The Original Kings of Comedy:

“I had a white guy tell me... he said, "Bern, why do black folks use the word 'mother-fucker?'" Let me break it down, what the word "mother-fucker" actually means. "Mother-fucker" is a word that black folks have been using for years. It's about expression. Don't be ashamed of the word "mother-fucker." Because "mother-fucker" is a noun: It describes a person, place or thing.”