August 29, 2012

The Choice Is Yours

so....there has been much debate on the topic of abortion....

my stance is PRO-CHOICE....

yes, i am going to hell....and that's ok....cos you know what???....i CHOSE my stance....

yes, i am pro-choice....and i prefer women to choose LIFE....

if they don't....well that's their CHOICE....

it does not make them a bad person/murderer or selfish....

growing up in Salt Lake City and raised a Mormon....we were taught that abortion is wrong and a sin....

but i believe abortion should stay a choice and stay legal because of a very simple notion....

---if you make abortion illegal, it doesn't stop women from trying---
---making something illegal, doesn't make people stop....they just find another way to do it---

read up on all the horror stories before abortion was legal (here's one) - women resorting to using wires or hangers to do abortions....finding doctors or even fake doctors to do the procedure in seedy hotel rooms or unsanitary conditions....this type of procedure could lead to serious bleeding, infection or even death....some women have even thrown themselves down stairs or injure themselves in a way that would cause a miscarriage....why would you take away a safe environment from women to help them with an abortion???

of course there are other alternatives to abortion for an unwanted pregnancy....such as putting the baby up for adoption....which i would love women to choose....8 to 9 months of sacrifice doesn't seem like a lot....but it's not MY 8 to 9's theirs....

i have a few friends who have had abortions....and i've watched documentaries of celebrities who have had an abortion....a common theme in all of their stories is how much they think about their old the child would be now....they never's a decision that all of them didn't make lightly....i've also been told that it is not a fun procedure....

one of my friends told me that it was like a vacuum and it had a clear tube where she was able to see the fetus get sucked right out of her....(don't know how true that is, but that's how i remember the story)....

and it's sad that when people around them found out that my friends had an abortion - turned their back on them....some of them cut all ties and even refused to talk to my friends any more....

but not for me....

they are still the same person that i met....

a lot of people say that the child that was aborted could have been the person to cure AIDS or cancer....well, i say that they could very well be the person who starts the next major war or even the next Osama Bin just don't know.....

i've also heard people who say that a woman shouldn't be able to have an abortion even if she was's bad enough that she was raped and now you're going to make her re-live the experience every day for 9 months???

i've read that there were women who've given birth to children who were conceived from rape and gave up the baby for adoption....but guess what....they CHOSE one forced them....ok, well, maybe some were force (whether it be religion, parents, etc)....but baffles me....

i like choices....and if i were in the position of an unwanted pregnancy....i'm pretty sure i would CHOOSE life....not because i had to....but because it was my CHOICE....

and that's all i have to say about that....