November 08, 2004

my holiday rant

my holiday rant.....

alright, it's NOVEMBER 8th.....and guess what they have playing on the freeeeeeeeeakin RADIO?!?!?!....CHRISTMAS MUSIC!!!!!!'s not even THANKSGIVING yet....THANKSGIVING....remember THAT holiday????....

also, i didn't mention this before, but thought i should mention it now....when i when to wal-mart during halloween to buy candy for the trick-o-treaters....there were 2 aisles of candy and costumes & 4 aisles of CHRISTMAS STUFF....i was have tempted to buy candy canes and give those out....

my point is....when is celebrating christmas tooooo early????....i mean, we've plowed right over thanksgiving....and halloween is there a race on who can get their christmas decorations up first????....and with all this christmas stuff going on right now, i'm already getting sick of this holiday forever ruined for me by people jumping the gun and trying to stuff christmas down my throat before stuffing the thanksgiving turkey?????

ugh....i hate christmas music....

yeah, bah humbug