Mormonism 101
Our real name is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS).
Mormon is a nickname given us because we believe in the Book of Mormon.
We don't drink.
We don't smoke.
We strive to be modest.
Joseph Smith was the first LDS prophet.
Brigham Young was the second.
Gordon B. Hinckley is our current prophet and we love him!
BYU is a Mormon college...There are 3 - one in Utah, Idaho, and Hawaii. BYU stands for Brigham Young University.
The High School-aged youth go to a seminary (like Sunday school).
College students go to Institute.
Our church session is 3 hours long.
We think Mormon jokes are funny.
We're not supposed to date till we're sixteen.
We celebrate holidays by throwing either a Bbq or a dinner with our familes.
If you go to a youth dance, you WILL see conga lines, break dancing, line dances and swing dancing.
We think that Do As I'm Doing, Once There was a Snowman, Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam and Book of Mormon Stories are the best songs ever.
We are not supposed to watch R-rated movies.
We CAN use technology.
We CAN eat fast-food.
We DO NOT practice polygamy.
If we ask you to go to an activity, it's NOT a conspiracy thing. It means we have fun and want to share that with you. If we ask you to go to church, it's because we want to share with you what we know and the blessings we've received.
If we give you a Book of Mormon, we're giving you the most precious gift we have. If you turn us down, it's ok.
If you think we're pushing you, tell us to knock it off! We'll stop. lol :)
There are 123 beautiful structures called Temples. They are very special places to us and where we strive to get married.
Asking you to go to church, an activity, or giving you a Book of Mormon is incredibly hard. So if we do it, be NICE!
Realize that if you go to a church meeting, we're not expecting you to be baptized next week. We don't care what you wear, what you look like, as long as you come! We have all sorts of useless skills that our leaders teach us - like engraving a picture on leather, or knowing how to make sock snowmen.
We do genealogy. We DO tend to have big families. The more the merrier.
The boys go on two-year missions when they turn 19. And no, they don't get to choose where they go.
The girls go on 18 month missions when they turn 21. (This is if they want to, marriage has higher preference).
RM stands for return missionary.
There are just as many Mormons in California than in Utah.
It's nearly impossible to offend us - even if you do it on purpose.
We try our hardest not to use bad language.
We are not perfect.
Every LDS member has their own beliefs: The church is true, but sometimes the people aren't.
If you EVER have ANY questions for us, we'd LOVE to answer them! Don't be shy!
We don't think we're better than you.
We're all brothers and sisters - ONE LOVE! :)