Best Villian?
this is a topic that was started in Ryan's "Ring of Squares" group on Myspace......
when i saw this first response was:
hmmm....good one.....
i have star trek on my mind.....
Q - i like john de lancie....
the soma - from insurrection.....they were always putting down the "bah" this and "bah" that when it came to the federation.....i thought that was funny....
*lowers head*
sorry.....been on a star trek binge lately
ryan then responded with:
This is what I love about Ro...
"Q" is one of the best "villians" I can also think of. I mean you do kind of have to be a fan of TNG to understand, but if you've seen at least most of the series, it's hard not to agree... John De Lancie is the man!!
now i WANTED to put in this following response, but found it too long for the i decided to put it in here.......
now....i don't know if this counts as a "villian" or just a "bad guy".....but i've been thinking about this.....
i have to add....
----Alonzo from TRAINING DAY....played by denzel washington.....that dude was evil....don't want to ruin the movie for those who have never seen it.....but the part where he's in the car and telling the person on the phone "yeah, make sure that bathtub it clean".....and smiling while watching ethan hawke's character gets in the freakin sadistic.....i think denzel played that bad guy well.....
----and now i have to re-iterate why i nominated Q as an all-time favorite villian....
1. he never really did anything totally bad (except introduce the borg but that was necessary for some really good episodes, but that's beside the point)....i remember one episode when picard almost died (again) and Q takes him back in time and shows him what his life COULD have been if he didn't take the risks he took.....he shows picard that if he lived the life he WANTED to live....took the "easy" road.....he would have ended up only as a science officer with the rank of ensign *i think - it's been a couple of years since i've seen the episode*.... "You're dead, this is the afterlife -- and I'm God" -- Q (Tapestry)
2. he also never really did anything totally good either.....he would always make the crew of the enterprise THINK.....he always had all the answers too but only gave them hints.....or put them in a predicament.....and tell them to solve it while messing with their heads.....that's the best type of villian....being somewhat like a puppetmaster and making them THINK.....(in a not so SAW kinda way - that movie villian is just sick)
3. i love how he would always taunt picard.....especially showing up wearing an admiral's uniform showing that he "out ranked" him.....or just "snapping" people here and there and changing around their outfits just for the hell of it.....
funny moments involving Q
Q - Jean-Luc, it's wonderful to see you again. How about a big hug?
[Puts his feet up on Picards desk]
Q: Well don't just stand there. Say something.
Capt. Picard: Get out of my chair.
Capt. Picard: I've just been paid a visit from Q.
Commander Riker: Q? Any idea what he's up to?
Capt. Picard: He wants to do something nice for me.
[Riker nods]
Commander Riker: I'll alert the crew.
[Worf moves in on Q.]
Capt. Picard: No, Lieutenant Worf! You will make no move against him unless I order it.
Q: Pity, you might have learned an interesting lesson, Macrohead. With a microbrain!
Lieutenant Worf: Grrr...
[Q appears in a monk's costume]
Q: Let us pray, for understanding and for compassion.
Capt. Picard: Let us do no such damn thing! What is this need of yours for costumes, Q? Have you no identity of your own?
Q: I come in search of the truth.
Capt. Picard: You come in search of what humanity is!
Q: I *forgive* your blasphemy!
Picard: "Return that moon to its orbit."
Q: "I have no powers! Q, the ordinary!"
Picard: "Q, the liar! Q, the misanthrope!"
Q: "Q, the miserable, Q, the desperate! What must I do to convince you people?"
Worf: "Die."
Q: "Oh, very clever, Worf. Eat any good books lately?" --"Deja Q"
Guinan: "Must be terribly frightening for you to be totally defenseless after all of those centuries of being omnipotent!"
Q: "I'm warning you, I still have friends in high places."
Guinan: "Frightening one race after the other, teasing them like frightened animals, and you enjoying every moment of your victims' fears."
Q: "From now on, I'll do missionary work, okay?" --"Deja Q"
Q: "It was a mistake! I *never* should've picked human! I knew it the moment I said it. To think of a future in this *shell*, forced to cover myself with a fabric because of some *outdated* human morality! To say nothing of being too hot or too cold. Growing feeble with age. Losing my hair. Catching a disease? Being ticklish? Sneezing? Having an itch? A pimple? *Bad breath*?" [To Worf] "Having to *bathe*?!"
Worf: "Too bad!" --"Deja Q"
Worf: "Be quiet! Or disappear back where you came from."
Q: "I can't disappear...anymore than you could win a beauty contest." --"Deja Q"
Q: "If I were to ask you a *very* simple question, do you think you might be able to answer it without it troubling your intellect too much? Ready? Here goes. Would I permit you to lock me away if I still had all my powers?"
Worf: "You have fooled us too often, Q."
Q: "Oh, perspicacity incarnate! Please don't feel compelled now to tell me the story of 'The Boy Who Cried Worf'." --"Deja Q"
LaForge: "Are you saying that you created a core breach just to...*test* this girl?"
Q: "Uh-huh."
Troi: "What would have happened if she couldn't stop it?"
Q: "Then I would've known that she wasn't a Q!" --"True Q"
Q: "Very impressive the way you contained that explosion. What else have you done?"
Rogers: "I, I don't understand."
Q: "Telekinesis, teleportation," [Looks at Picard] "Spontaneous combustion of someone you don't like. That sort of thing?" --"True Q"
Riker: "Travel time to the nearest starbase?"
Data: "At maximum warp, in 2 years, 7 months, 3 days, 18 hours, we would reach Starbase 185" after Q threw the Enterprise over 7000 light-years from Federation space (Q Who?)
Q: "Ah, the redoubtable Commander Riker...and Microbrain! Growl for me...let me know you still care." -- "Q Who"
Q: "I add a little spice, a little excitement to your lives, and all you do is complain!" -- "Q Who"
Q: "It's bad form to laugh at one's god." --"Tapestry
Q: "You're dead, this is the afterlife -- and I'm God" -- (Tapestry)
Q: "It's time to put an end to your trek through the stars" -- Q (All Good Things...)
Q: "[To Sisko]You hit me. Picard never hit me." --"Q-Less"
Q: [to Chakotay] "Facial art. Ooh! How very wilderness of you." --"Deathwish"
***and now you might wonder why i consider Q a villain when he didn't mame or kill anyone for fun.....but it's because "villains are what make mankind answer tough questions" and invoke a response from the people around them.....whether positive or negative.....and Q being the villain he is.....invoked positive responses from the crew of the enterprise.....really making them think and continuing their curiosity......reminding them the reason they STARTED exploring in the first place.....and using what they learned to save the day.....***
"Q might have done the right thing for the wrong reason, perhaps we need a good kick in our complacency to get us ready for what's ahead" -- Captain Picard, to Guinan (Q Who?)
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