March 01, 2007

Down with the Sickness


not much happened while i was away.....

but i do have a lot of reading to do with all the new blogs posted by all my friends.....whew-eee

most of you didn't even notice my brief departure....but that's okay.....

but my brief departure was not by choice.....

i was really sick.....

last thursday at work....i started getting the i-had-to-put-on-a-sweater chills bad.....i was like crap.....the damn flu.....

so i go home.....went straight to bed.....called in the next day.....still feeling like shit.....and completely nauseous so i can't eat any thing.....the mare thought of food made me wanna puke......

saturday rolls around.....and i'm sicker than a dog on crack.....but it's MY saturday to i call in a half day, talk to the supervisor in charge and tell he that i'd be in later......

i almost get into a few accidents behind the wheel on the way to work......i was hella dizzy and couldn't judge distances.....but i made it in.....i put on my headset, turned on my phone and then passed out on my desk......someone came in to try and wake me.....i told them i was sick and they scurried like a bat out of hell.....

i finished up.....wiped the drool off my desk and went home.....i was actually feeling okay enough that i watched "Forrest Gump" on tv and played with my niece a bit.....

but then the chills came back.....

and i was back in bed.....

sunday, monday, tuesday.....unable to shake pain.....can barely move.....dizzy.....light and sound sensitive.....wierd ass dreams and haven't eaten since i got sick the week before.....and i'm crying to my mommy (yes, my MOMMY) cos i'm not getting better.....

airborne made me puke.....nyquil just wasn't working and advil made me sweat like a hog.....(but at least stop the chills)

on wednesday, i was finally able to get to the doctors....he's examining me....everything looks good.....until he starts pressing on my BIG OWIE.....i started to kick.....he's all like "it hurts all over???".....and i'm screaming, "when you push on it like that" (i stopped myself here from calling him "jerk", it's a typical "jerk" moment, but yeah, i wanted to get better, not get kicked out)....he then told me to pain....and then told me to get off the table and jump.....jump??? pain.....he then tells me to pee in a cup and he'll get back to me.....and i took my cup and did my business.....pretty simple after a while.....

and it turned out that i don't have the flu.....i have a kidney infection......dammit...

so.....yeah.....all this time i was thinking my back was hurting from being in bed this whole time was actually my kidneys screaming......and all this time i thought my tummy pains were cos i wasn't eating, was actually my kidneys telling my tummy to help them scream.....


well.....i got some pretty good meds now.....

moral of the story: don't try to cure a kidney infection with nyquil, advil and doesn't work......

and that's my story......


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