November 26, 2004

MORE things that must go

a thing that must go:

when i'm in a stall in a public at the movies....when you hear someone rush in....slam their stall door....unzip really really fast....and then let it all out....and then the MOAN with relief....i don't care about the first's the MOANING with relief on the toilet that's gotta go....geez would think she was having an orgasm or something....makes me think i was sitting on the wrong toilet.... i have plenty more things that must go....but first i would like to hear from the group....this is all opinion....and offense to those who moan in the public restroom....just keep it to a minimum :)

another thing that must go:

all the birthday cheers and songs the waitresses and waiters sing to their guests...i went to applebee's the other day and heard them sing their birthday song to three different people....sure, it's nice....but is it necessary???...can't they just SAY happy birthday, give 'em a little cupcake with a candle on it and be done with it??? they really need all 15 employees singing off pitch in a crowded resturant???....just a thought....

another thing that must go:

telemarketers leaving messages on my answering machine.... alright...i do not mind telemarketers calling me....everyone needs to make a living....but when they leave messages on my answering machine.....expecting for ME to call THEM back.....hello???....why would i want to call them back....sheesh....i don't mind them calling and me talking to them and hearing their sales pitch....i don't mind that....but for the love of pete....DON'T LEAVE MESSAGES ON MY ANSWERING MACHINE....ESPECIALLY IF IT'S AUTOMATED!!!!....geez....i'm not going to call you don't leave a message

and speaking of telemarketers leaving me messages on my answering machine.....if you're going to leave a message....speak frickin english....i got a voice mail, on my cellphone, of a person leaving me a message in SPANISH trying to sell me something and expecting me to call them back....(i understand spanish-just don't speak it)....well, frick....if there is something worse than getting telemarkerters leaving messages on my answering's having them leave it in a language other than english.....geez!!!!!


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